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Construction Guarantees and Bonds

About Construction Guarantees And Bonds

In the daily running of your business, it is necessary to have a backup for your construction bonds and guarantees to prevent disruptions or financial loss.

LNIG Hollard’s Construction Guarantees And Bonds Insurance offers you protection against a contractor's failure to complete a project or meet project specifications. This will assist you in maintaining and fulfilling your contractual agreements.

LNIG Hollard’s Construction Guarantees And Bonds Insurance covers the following:

  • Bid Bonds and Securities
  • Issue a guarantee where the contractor is awarded the contract
  • Advance Payment Guarantees
  • Guarantee to repay the employer should the contractor use an advance for anything other than the purchase of contract materials
  • Performance Guarantees
  • Guarantee that the contractor will perform the work as per the contract
  • Retention Guarantees
  • Guarantee that the contractor will provide repairs or maintenance for a specific period
  • Materials On or Off-Site Guarantees
  • Guarantees ownership to the employer where the contractor fails to build the materials into the contract works
  • Customs and Excise Bonds
  • Guarantees that the contractor will re-import plant and equipment used for neighbour state contracts
These finer specialist insurance additions make big business sense.

Contact us

Contact us today to discuss the options available in terms of your specialist corporate insurance.

Call: +266 2221 3500

For claim-related queries

Email: insureclaims@lnighollard.co.ls

For queries or policy changes

Email: insureuw@lnighollard.co.ls

Our operating hours

Mon - Fri: 08:15 – 16:30

Policy terms and conditions apply.