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A hollard logo
A hollard logo
A hollard logo


Privacy statement of LNIG Hollard Insure and LNIG Hollard Life (Herein referred to as LNIG Hollard) and its subsidiaries

LNIG Hollard and its subsidiaries treat personal information collected through this website, mobile sites, mobile applications and other channels as private and confidential.


We collect personal information directly from you as the data subject, and where lawful and reasonable, we may collect personal information about you from third parties and publicly available sources, such as credit reporting and government agencies for the following purpose.  

We use your personal information to:

  • process your personal information for ordinary business purposes (this includes opening and maintaining your policy, administering claims, managing our risks and maintaining our overall relationship with you);
  • execute your instructions;
  • meet our responsibilities to you;
  • comply with applicable statutory obligations;
  • carry out statistical and other analyses to identify potential markets and trends, evaluate and improve our business (this includes improving existing and developing new products and services);
  • tell you about services and products available within LNIG Hollard; and
  • make sure our business suits your needs.

Without your personal information, we may not be able to provide or continue to provide you with the products or services that you need.

Your consent

We will process your personal information if you give us your consent willingly or in accordance with the law. You give your consent to us through our products and services agreements.

We will only disclose your personal information if:

  • the law requires it;
  • we have a public duty to disclose the information;
  • our or your legitimate interests require disclosure; or
  • you agreed that we may disclose your information.

Cross boarder transfer

Sometimes we will process your personal information in other countries, either to carry out your instructions or for ordinary business purposes. These countries may not have the same level of protection. If necessary, we will ask the party to whom we transfer your personal information to agree to our privacy principles, standards and practices.

Safekeeping of personal information

We store personal information as required by law.

During the storage, we have security systems in place designed to prevent loss, unauthorised destruction, damage and/or access to your personal information from unauthorised third parties.

Right to access, correct and update your personal information.

As our customer, you may, free of charge:

  • ask us to give you a description of your personal information that we hold; and
  • ask us to correct or update your personal information.


If you grant us permission, we may use your personal information to tell you about products, services and special offers from us or other companies that may interest you. We may do these through different electronic channels or print media posted to you. If you later decide that you do not want us to do this, please contact us to terminate your permission.

Our use of technology to follow your use of our websites

While you are using our websites or mobile applications, we automatically process certain personal information, such as visits to our websites. We use this information to find out which areas of our website clients visit most and to monitor the use of our websites. This helps us to add more value to our services. This information is gathered in such a way that we do not get personal information about any individual or their online behaviour on other websites.

Links to other websites

Our website, related websites and mobile applications may have links to or from other websites. Although we try to link only to websites that also have high privacy standards, we are not responsible for their security, privacy practices or content. We recommend that you always read the privacy and security statements on these websites.

Recording of electronic communications

We communicate with you through different methods and channels. If allowed by law, we may record and monitor electronic communications to make sure that they comply with our legal and regulatory.

Profile assessment

We will monitor and analyse your profile for credit, fraud, compliance and other risk-related purposes as required by law.

Social media

We operate and communicate through our designated channels, pages and accounts on some social media sites to inform, help and engage with our customers. We monitor and record comments and posts made about us on these channels so that we can improve our services.

We are not responsible for any information posted on social media sites other than the information posted by our designated officials. We do not endorse the social media sites themselves, or any information posted on them by third parties or other users.

When you engage with us through social media your personal information may be processed by the site owner; this process is outside our control and may be in a country outside Lesotho that may have different privacy principles. We will not ask you to share personal, policy or security information on social media sites.

Your rights

We will take note of your rights under applicable privacy and data protection laws, especially your right to object, on reasonable grounds, to certain types of processing.

You have the right to query a decision that we make about a product or service that you have applied for and that was made solely by automated means.

Right to change this privacy statement

We may change this privacy statement. We will publish all changes on our websites.

Queries and complaints

If you have any queries or complaints about privacy, please contact the Compliance Office:

LNIG Hollard Head Office, 202 Constitution Road, Maseru


LNIG Hollard, Private Bag A203, Maseru 100

Telephone: (266) 22313031

Email: info@lnighollard.co.ls